Explore the unexplored in Bintan | Andrew & Anting
I did a short trip in Bintan with these amazing peeps @lensofmira @androozzz @gnitnachang @tanriaregina . Bintan is my hometown and I grew up there but I left Bintan 10 years ago. Frankly, I did not usually need a tour guide neither a driver to go around. For a reason, this trip we decided to engage @babalovetrip Baba, captured our attention through Instagram. He is a nice, professional, resourceful, helpful, a funny dude (I had a stomachache because I laugh much during the trip) and the good thing is that Durian is his favourite fruit!
I had no idea that Bintan is so beautiful and full of hidden and unexplored gems. Baba surprised us with so many beautiful places that even a local like myself didn’t know that it exists! I managed to rediscover Bintan that I remember 15-20 years ago when I was younger. To me, it was not merely a tour. It was a rediscovery of my childhood.
#pixioosamuel @charxioosam